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Payment Terminals - Hardware

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Pax A920

The PAX A920 is a leader in Android Operating System Terminal technology. Android terminals are the newest addition in the terminal innovation. With Android OS Terminals hitting the market this will allow developers to build apps. The benefit of apps is they have the ability to link with cloud based systems so that you can use data in a variety of ways such as reconciliation of data into proprietary POS or non-integrated software.

Ingenico MOVE5000

The Ingenico MOVE5000 is the Boeing 747 of terminals. It is extremely popular and most banks in Australia now stock it as their standard terminal for retailers. It is a no frills terminal which can operate on a mobile basis for both standalone and Integrated (ie, into a POS). Like most terminals, it has several connectivity options (WiFi, sim card, Ethernet) and will suit the majority of SMEs and even large retailers.  The MOVE5000 becomes somewhat restricted however when a business is looking at alternative payment options or looking to develop custom apps or integrations.

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Car Parking and Unattended

Transact 4 Less works with a number of terminal manufacturers who specialise in unattended devices. Unattended devices are those where an operator doesn’t need to be present. The most common unattended device is for car parks, fuel and charitable donations. We are seeing more unattended devices pop up in amusement parks, arcades, vending machines, car washes and fast food.

Tap on Phone

There is some really cool tech that has come into the payment space with the ability to turn android devices into a terminal. This means you can turn an android device (such as a Zebra barcode scanner which your business may already stock) into an terminal.  


At the moment, we see the biggest advantage for businesses that take payments on the move (away from your office). For instance, many businesses have their drivers carry a terminal in their car/truck/van to take payment which Tap on Phone could replace. Great for tradies, or companies with a network of servicemen such as mobile mechanics, plumbers, electricians, etc.


We are leaders in understanding when, why and how these solutions can work for a business.

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